Are stock investments worth it?

In the background there is a stock exchange, with a winning pricechart. In the front human with tablet checking stock price boom. Picture is 3087396.jpg

Yes, investing in stocks is a good way to make extra money. You can be an employee and an investor at the same time. Here are some reasons why you should consider investing in the stock market.

24/5 independent working

Even if you are on holiday, you can make your money work for you. The stock market remains open from 9:15 AM to 3:30 PM- Monday to Friday, whether you are working or not. Also, there is no need to watch a stock 24/7 it operates by itself however the company’s news should be watched to get regular updates and ideas of future progress.

The power of compounding 

Stocks have consistently outperformed most other investment options like FD, savings, bonds, golds, etc in the long term. The power of compounding- is the secret of creating wealth. The longer you remain invested, the more your compounding wealth will be there, and even if the sums a small right now they can add up in the future.

Beating inflation

A stock market is a place for everyone

The stock market is for everyone not just for the rich and smart. You don’t have to be a math whiz, rich, or another Warren Buffett to get started with investing in the stock market. You start by doing your research so you’ll know what’s going on at the businesses you’re thinking about investing in—and be sure to stick with stocks that make sense for your portfolio. It depends on you how much you want to risk when investing. If you don’t want to take high risks you can stick with risk-free companies like Apple or Alphabet (Google) and make a remarkable sum of money in the long run.

Diversification of incomes

A good strategy for maintaining income is to diversify the ways you generate it. For example, if you have a full-time job and occasionally do handy work on weekends, you might also rent out an extra room to a college student or invest in some dividend stocks. If one source of income dries up, you’ll still have others that can help carry you through until things improve. This can help fight dependency from your 9-5 work and can cause fewer working hours in the long run.

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