ERC-20: The standard, wallet and price affections

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ERC-20 History

The idea was to create fungible tokens with specific functions and events programmed into them using a common interface.

Key takeaways

  • ERC-20 standard: Revolutionized token creation on Ethereum, providing a common interface for smart contracts.
  • ERC-20 tokens: Digital assets on Ethereum, created through programmable contracts, representing shares, rewards, etc.
  • Popular examples are: Binance Coin, Chainlink, and Tether; easily transferable and compatible with various services.
  • ERC-20 wallets: Digital accounts for storing and managing securities securely, using cryptographic keys.
  • Token price: Fluctuates based on supply, demand, market conditions, and DeFi trends, often in Ether (ETH).

What are ERC-20 tokens?

ERC-20 tokens are digital tokens that live on the Ethereum network. They are created by deploying programmable contracts, allowing for interesting use cases, including the creation of tokens that represent shares in a company or loyalty rewards.

Popular ERC-20 tokens

What makes these tokens special is that they are built on the ERC-20 standard, which is the most widely adopted Ethereum token standard. This means that they are easily transferable and can be used with other products and services that support ERC-20 tokens.

ERC-20 Wallets

Function and operation

Special Attributes

1. Compatibility

By adhering to the ERC-20 standard, the digital vault seamlessly integrates with tokens that follow the same protocol. This compatibility ensures a harmonious interaction between tokens and the digital vault, allowing for efficient storage and management.

2. Multifunctionality

In addition to token transfers, it offers various functions such as balance inquiries, transaction history views, and account management. These capabilities empower users to monitor and control their token holdings conveniently.

Pros and Cons


1. Universal Compatibility

The digital vault supports a wide range of tokens adhering to the standard, enabling users to manage multiple token holdings within a single interface.

2. Enhanced Security

The wallet’s utilization of cryptographic keys provides robust protection against unauthorized access, safeguarding users’ token assets from potential threats.


1. Standard Limitations

The ERC-20 vault is tailored specifically to tokens adhering to the standard. Tokens built on different standards might not be compatible, restricting their usage within the digital vault.

2. Vulnerabilities

Notable Examples

1. Metamask

2. MyEtherWallet

ERC-20 price

ERC-20 tokens derive their value based on various factors, including market demand, token supply, and prevailing market conditions. The valuation often denominated in Ether (ETH), fluctuates in response to these influences.

Examples of dynamics

1. “MagiCoin” (MC)

Conversely, if a new enchanting token called “MystiToken” emerges, offering similar features and diluting the demand for MagiCoin, its value may experience a decline.

2. “SpellToken” (SPELL)

However, if the DeFi protocol encounters security vulnerabilities or regulatory challenges, leading to a decrease in users’ confidence, the value of SPELL might suffer a decline.

Role of smart contracts

A Smart contract plays an important role in ERC-20 tokens and the Ethereum blockchain. Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller being directly written into lines of code. In the case of ERC-20, self-executing contracts are used to create and manage the tokens.

A typical coding example for creating such a token contract might look like this:

contract MyToken is ERC20 {

  string public name = “My Token”;

  string public symbol = “MYT”;

  uint8 public decimals = 18;

  uint256 public totalSupply = 1000000000000000000000000;

  constructor() public {

    _mint(msg.sender, totalSupply);




1. Compatibility Conundrum

In the past, when a new token emerged in Cryptoland, other tokens often greeted it with confusion. They didn’t know how to recognize it, interact with it, or even send it a friendly transaction. It was a world of chaos! The ERC20 standard swooped in to solve this conundrum.

Defining a specific set of functions and events, allowed tokens to communicate effectively, facilitating interoperability among them. Imagine it as a universal translator, enabling tokens to understand one another and work together seamlessly.

2. Convenient Exchange

In the early days of Cryptoland, trading tokens was like traversing treacherous terrain. Each token had its own unique rules and quirks, making it challenging for exchanges to support them all. This caused headaches for traders who had to constantly adapt to different systems. The ERC20 standard changed the game by providing a consistent framework.

Exchanges rejoiced as they could now integrate once and effortlessly empower a multitude of tokens. Traders, in turn, found solace in the ease of buying, selling, and swapping their tokens across various platforms.

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