Greenhashes cloud mining: Your Eco-Friendly Mining Scam !

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What was it

Overlooked red flags

Lack of information

Lockup of funds

Another issue was the lockup of funds for days, which made it impossible for investors to withdraw their funds. This was a major concern for many stakeholders who had invested their money in the platform. The lack of transparency about why the funds were locked up only added to users’ mistrust of the network.

Not existing customer support

Customer support was also a major issue with GreenHash. Many stakeholders reported that they never received any response from the company’s customer support team, even when they had urgent issues that needed to be addressed. This lack of communication made it difficult for users to get the help they needed to resolve their issues.

Not working cashouts


In conclusion, the platform promised high returns and low costs but failed to deliver on its promises. The lack of transparency about the team behind the network the lockup of funds for days, the lack of customer support, and the issues with cashouts all raised serious concerns about their legitimacy.

It is important to note that while the company had specific issues that made it a potential scam, cloud mining in general has a history of scams and fraudulent activity. Many platforms promise high returns in a short amount of time, which is often too good to be true. Additionally, the lack of regulation and oversight in the cryptocurrency industry makes it easy for scammers to take advantage of unsuspecting investors.

How it worked

1. Locking up funds

Many users reported that the site shut down, and their funds disappeared. Some even received messages claiming that their wallet was hacked.

2. Mining packages claimed to offer a variety of “special” and discounted mining packages and a simple user interface that made it easy for anyone to choose and buy their equipment. They also boasted that they used eco-friendly energy resources, making them a more sustainable option for those interested in passive income through cryptocurrency.

3. Collecting funds and shutting down the website

greenhashes trustpilot review reporting its a scam and website is turned off.
Source: Trustpilot

Despite these claims, turned out to be a scam, and many users lost their hard-earned money. The website is no longer operational, and any attempts to review its terms and content now lead to error messages.

Lessons learned

It is also important to be familiar with the technology and power requirements of the equipment being used for mining and to be cautious of deals that seem too good to be true.

Key takeaway

  • was a cloud mining network that turned out to be a scam, with many users losing their investments.
  • It is important to research and carefully consider any cloud mining network before investing in order to avoid scams.
  • Beware of promises of high returns and locked funds, and be familiar with the technology and power requirements of mining equipment.

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