Bitcoin Mining: Is it Still Profitable today?

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How it works

  1. Broadcasting to the Bitcoin network: Transactions are broadcasted to the Bitcoin network and stored in the mempool, a pool of pending transactions.
  2. Selecting transactions: Miners choose a subset of transactions from the mempool and assemble them into a block.
  3. Solving a hash function: Miners engage in solving a cryptographic puzzle called a hash function, aiming to find a solution that falls below a specific threshold.
  4. Broadcasting the block: Upon discovering a solution, the miner broadcasts the completed block to the network.
  5. Validation and inclusion in the blockchain: Fellow miners authenticate the legitimacy of the block and incorporate it into the blockchain.
  6. Reward: The miner who successfully solved the hash function and added the block to the blockchain is rewarded with new Bitcoins.


CPU vs GPU vs ASIC Minning

Bitcoin mining utilizes three primary types of mining equipment: CPU (Central Processing Unit), GPU (Graphics Processing Unit), and ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit).

FactorCPU MiningGPU MiningASIC Mining
EfficiencyInefficientInefficientVery efficient
Hash rateLowModerateVery high
Power consumptionHighHighLow
Initial costLowModerateHigh
DifficultyEasyEasyVery difficult
Heat outputLowModerateHigh

In conclusion, both CPU and GPU mining are less efficient than ASIC mining, with lower hash rates, higher power consumption, and lower profitability. Although CPU and GPU mining offer a more affordable entry into the world of mining, they are generally not profitable for Bitcoin mining.

On the other hand, ASIC mining poses greater challenges in terms of initial setup, higher upfront costs, potential noise generation, and heat output. However, it boasts superior profitability and efficiency in Bitcoin mining operations. Currently, ASIC mining stands as the favored and most efficient method for mining Bitcoin.

Hash function

In the mining process of adding new transactions to the Bitcoin blockchain, a fundamental component utilized is a hash function. Bitcoin employs the SHA-256 hash function, which takes an input and produces a fixed-size 256-bit output.

Below is an illustrative example of the hash function process:

  1. Compilation of transactions: Miners gather a list of pending transactions that they intend to add to the blockchain, creating a “block” comprising these transactions.
  2. Inclusion of a nonce: Miners insert a random value called a “nonce” into the block.
  3. Application of SHA-256: The miner applies the SHA-256 hash function to the block and nonce, generating a 256-bit hash value that represents the combined data.
  4. Difficulty target check: If the resulting hash does not meet the required difficulty target, the miner adjusts the nonce and repeats the process until a valid hash that meets the difficulty target is found.
  5. Broadcasting of the new block: Once a valid hash is discovered, the miner broadcasts the new block to the Bitcoin network. Other network nodes can verify the block’s validity by recalculating the hash and confirming that it meets the predefined difficulty target.

Sample calculation

1. To append a new block to the Bitcoin blockchain, the block header data is initially collected. This data encompasses the version number, previous block hash, merkle root, timestamp, difficulty target, and nonce.

Version: 1 Previous Block Hash: 0000000000000000000123456789abcdef Merkle Root: 1234567890abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef Timestamp: 1645755860 Difficulty Target: 0x1b0404cb Nonce: 0

2. Following that, the block header data is combined into a cohesive string known as the “block header,” adhering to a specific byte order.

The block header in this example would be:


3. The block header undergoes a process of double hashing using the SHA-256 hash function, generating a 256-bit hash value.

In this case, the hash value would be:


4. Comparing the hash value to the target: Lastly, the generated hash value is compared to the existing difficulty target. The difficulty target is a 256-bit numerical value that signifies the highest admissible value for a valid hash.

Hash< Target

5. If the hash value is less than the target, indicating a valid hash, we proceed to the next step. However, if the hash value is greater than or equal to the target, signifying an invalid hash, the nonce value must be incremented, and the process is repeated.

In this example, since the hash value is greater than the target, let’s assume we increment the nonce to 1 and repeat the process.

The new block header would be:


The new hash value would be:


6. Because the hash value remains greater than the target, we must increment the nonce once more and try again. Assuming the nonce is increased to 2, we continue by repeating the process.

The new block header would be as follows:


The new hash value:


7. Since the obtained hash value (0x1b0404cb) is lower than the target (0x1b0404cb), indicating a valid hash, we can now move forward with the creation of a new block. This is a simplified explanation of Bitcoin mining. In practice, the process is considerably more complex, with numerous miners competing to discover the next valid hash.

Every 2016 blocks, the difficulty target is adjusted to maintain an average block time of 10 minutes, and the reward for mining a new block is currently 6.25 BTC.

Who can do mining?

Bitcoin mining is accessible to individuals equipped with the requisite hardware and software. During the initial stages of Bitcoin, individuals using regular computers could participate in mining and receive rewards.

However, as the network grew in size, so did the difficulty of mining, and specialized hardware known as ASICs (Application-Specific Integrated Circuits) was developed to mine Bitcoin more efficiently.

Presently, the bulk of Bitcoin mining is conducted by extensive mining farms comprising thousands of ASICs operating collectively. These farms are commonly situated in countries with low-cost electricity production, including China, Kazakhstan, and the United States. Nevertheless, numerous individual miners persist in mining Bitcoin using their personal hardware.

By joining mining pools, which consist of groups of miners collaborating to mine Bitcoin collectively and distribute the rewards, individual miners can enhance their chances of earning rewards.

Basic Equipment


a-little-miner-is-digging-on-golden-bitcoin-with-dollar-implementing-Bitcoin mining-Luis1k
  • ASIC (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit) miner: Specialized hardware designed specifically for Bitcoin mining.
  • Power supply: Efficient power supply is necessary to support ASIC miners, which are more effective than CPUs and GPUs.
  • Cooling system: Due to their high power consumption, ASIC miners generate significant heat, requiring a cooling system to prevent overheating.
  • Internet connection: A stable internet connection is essential for communication with the Bitcoin network and receiving new transactions for blockchain inclusion.


  • Bitcoin wallet: Essential for storing the mined Bitcoins, available in various forms such as desktop, mobile, and hardware wallets.
  • Bitcoin mining software: Links your ASIC miner to the Bitcoin network, offering choices such as CGMiner, BFGMiner, and EasyMiner, among others.
  • Cost of electricity: An important factor to consider, as Bitcoin mining demands substantial power consumption, which can result in significant electricity expenses.

Pros and Cons


  • Bitcoin rewards for adding new transactions to the blockchain.
  • Decentralized system, not governed by a centralized authority.
  • Secure and challenging to compromise the Bitcoin network.
  • Mining contributes to the integrity of the network.


  • Equipment and electricity costs can be prohibitively expensive.
  • High competitiveness in the industry, making it challenging for individual miners to turn a profit.
  • Complex process requiring technical expertise.
  • High energy consumption, potentially harmful to the environment.

How is security ensured?

1. Cryptographic hashing

The resulting hash value is subsequently compared to the target value set by the mining network. When the hash value matches the target value, the block is accepted, and miners receive Bitcoin rewards.

2. Proof of work

This requirement ensures that malicious actors cannot gain control over more than 50% of the network’s computing power, safeguarding against potential attacks.

3. Difficulty adjustment

Bitcoin mining incorporates a feature known as difficulty adjustment. This mechanism controls the intricacy of the puzzle miners need to solve. The objective is to maintain a consistent block time, which refers to the duration it takes for miners to solve the puzzle.

By controlling over 50% of the network power, malicious actors encounter increased difficulty in manipulating the network, promoting greater security and integrity.

Is Bitcoin mining still profitable?

Individual miners can still participate in Bitcoin mining, but the competitive landscape has significantly shifted towards larger and more organized mining operations. In the early days of Bitcoin, individuals could mine using standard computers or laptops. However, as the network has expanded and mining difficulty has increased, it has become increasingly challenging for individual miners to mine bitcoins profitably.

Presently, large mining pools with substantial computing power have a competitive advantage in solving the complex mathematical problems required for mining bitcoins efficiently and quickly. Mining pools consist of extensive groups of miners who combine their computing power to enhance their chances of solving a block and receiving the associated reward.

In order to enhance their likelihood of success, individuals will need to invest in specialized mining hardware and become part of a mining pool. Individual miners must also take into account various expenses, including electricity costs, cooling solutions, and other operational expenditures, when calculating their profitability. As the Bitcoin network expands and more miners join, the process of mining is expected to become increasingly challenging and competitive.


How much does it typically cost to mine one Bitcoin?

The cost of mining one Bitcoin is influenced by various factors, including electricity expenses, mining hardware efficiency, and operational costs.

The current mining difficulty for Bitcoin is 19.31 trillion (as of February 22, 2023), with a block reward of 6.25 BTC. By utilizing a mining calculator that considers various factors, such as electricity costs, mining hardware efficiency, and other relevant variables, the estimated expense for mining one Bitcoin can fluctuate between $7,000 to $20,000 or even higher.

Are there effective ways to mine BTC environmentally friendly?

There are various approaches to enhancing the environmental sustainability of Bitcoin mining:

A tactic involves the utilization of sustainable energy sources such as solar, wind, or hydroelectric power to produce the required electricity for mining. This approach aims to decrease the carbon footprint associated with the mining process, promoting long-term sustainability.

An alternative approach involves employing energy-efficient mining hardware, such as ASIC miners, purposefully crafted for Bitcoin mining and boasting lower power consumption compared to other mining equipment types. Miners have the option to mitigate the electricity consumption associated with Bitcoin mining by employing energy-efficient hardware, thereby minimizing their environmental impact.

Why is Bitcoin mining harmful for the environment?

Bitcoin mining has garnered environmental concerns due to its substantial energy consumption, much of which is derived from non-renewable sources like coal-fired power plants. The process involves using powerful computer equipment to solve intricate mathematical problems, resulting in a significant electricity demand for mining and cooling the hardware.

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