Orphan Block: Understanding Blockchain’s Lost Blocks

Orphan block crypto-only-block-apart-from-mining

What is an orphan block?

How orphan blocks occur

However, sometimes two or more entities solve the mining problem simultaneously, creating multiple legitimate blocks. In such cases, only one block can become part of the main blockchain, while the rest become orphaned blocks.

In this case, miners do not receive a mining reward for their efforts. Instead, their blocks are discarded, and any transactions included in those blocks are returned to the memory pool to be included in future blocks.

How to prevent orphan blocks

Comparing Orphan and Stale blocks

Parent Blocks

Time Consideration

Orphan blocks occur when multiple valid blocks are created at the same time, and the network nodes need time to decide which block to include in the core chain. The orphan block remains unaccepted until it is connected to the longest chain.

Information Availability

When an orphan block is generated, the information contained within it is not immediately available to the network nodes. It remains unknown until it is connected to the main chain.

Stale blocks contain valid information, but they are not considered part of the longest proof of work chain. The information within them is accessible, but they are not recognized as a valid chain.

Involvement of Nodes

Nodes within the network play a crucial role in determining the acceptance of orphan blocks. They decide which block to include in the main chain based on the number of verified blocks.

Stale blocks are not dependent on node decisions. They are simply not included in the longest proof of work chain due to latency or other factors.

Involvement of Mining Pools

Orphan blocks can occur regardless of mining pool involvement. They are a natural occurrence when multiple blocks are mined simultaneously.

Stale blocks can also occur in mining pools, but they are becoming increasingly rare due to the implementation of low-latency communication channels.

What are Uncle Blocks in Ethereum?

Longer chain rule


When multiple valid blocks are mined simultaneously, only one of them becomes part of the core blockchain, while the others become uncle blocks. These uncle blocks contain valid transactions and are created by miners who were close to successfully mining the block but were not the first to do so.


Enhancing Security

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