Will Bitcoin Improvement Proposals Shape The Future of Bitcoin?

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What are Bitcoin Improvement Proposals (BIPs)?

How do Bitcoin Improvement Proposals work?

BIPs typically include a detailed description of the suggested changes, as well as any necessary technical specifications and justification for the suggested changes. They also outline the potential benefits and drawbacks of the suggested changes and any potential security concerns.

1. Submission and Review

Once a BIP is submitted, it undergoes a review process by the Bitcoin ecosystem, including programmers, users, and other stakeholders. Feedback is provided through online forums and mailing lists, and the BIP may be revised and resubmitted based on this feedback.

During the review process, BIPs are classified into three categories based on their level of maturity and readiness for implementation:

Draft, Proposed, and Final. Draft BIPs are early-stage proposals that are still being developed and refined, while Proposed BIPs are more mature proposals that have been extensively reviewed and are ready for implementation. Final BIPs are fully implemented changes to the protocol.

2. Implementation

BIPs can also be rejected or abandoned if they are not deemed necessary, technically feasible, or safe. Certain BIPs could become outdated or replaced by more recent proposals or modifications within the Bitcoin ecosystem.

BIPs step of approvement

Step 1: Proposal Submission

A BIP can be submitted by anyone. The proposal should provide an elaborate outline of the proposed modifications, technical specifications, advantages, disadvantages, and possible security issues. The proposal needs to be clear and well-written to facilitate understanding and collaboration.

Step 2: Initial Review

Once a BIP is submitted, it undergoes an initial review to determine its relevance, feasibility, and potential impact. Feedback is provided through online forums and mailing lists, and the proposal may be revised and resubmitted based on this feedback.

Step 3: Classification

BIPs are categorized into three groups: Draft, Proposed, and Final. Draft BIPs are early-stage proposals that are still being developed and refined, while suggested BIPs are more mature proposals that have been extensively reviewed and are ready for implementation. Final BIPs are fully implemented changes to the protocol.

Step 4: Community Feedback

Proposed BIPs undergo thorough review and discussion to gather feedback and identify potential issues or concerns. This step is crucial in identifying any potential problems and ensuring community consensus before changes are implemented.

For example, BIP-34 underwent extensive community feedback and discussion on online forums and mailing lists to address concerns regarding compatibility with older versions of the Bitcoin software.

Step 5: Implementation and Adoption

Once a BIP is approved and considered necessary, technically feasible, and safe, Bitcoin developers implement it and incorporate the changes into the Bitcoin protocol through a software update. The implementation of a BIP requires consensus among the network’s users and miners, and it may take time for the changes to be fully adopted.

For example, BIP-34 was eventually approved and implemented into the Bitcoin protocol through a software update in 2014 after extensive review and discussion. The change was adopted by the majority of the network and improved efficiency and scalability.


In conclusion, the process for approving Bitcoin Improvement Proposals (BIPs) involves multiple steps, including proposal submission, initial review, classification, feedback, and implementation and adoption. Each step is crucial in ensuring safety, stability, and usability and requires community consensus and collaboration.

Types of BIPs

1. Standard BIPs

Standard BIPs propose changes to the Bitcoin system that require consensus from the network’s users and miners. These changes may involve modifying the Bitcoin protocol’s rules, features, or functionality, and are typically implemented through a software update. Standard BIPs are crucial in improving efficiency, security, and usability and require careful consideration and collaboration among the community.

2. Informational BIPs

Informational BIPs provide information and guidelines for the Bitcoin community but do not propose changes to the protocol itself. They may provide recommendations, best practices, or general information about Bitcoin-related topics, such as wallet security, transaction fees, or mining techniques. Informational BIPs are useful in educating and informing the community and are typically non-controversial.

3. Consensus BIPs

Consensus BIPs propose changes to the Bitcoin system that require mandatory adoption by all nodes in the system. These changes may involve modifying the Bitcoin protocol’s rules, features, or functionality, and are typically implemented through a hard fork, which creates a chain and requires all nodes to switch to the new version. Consensus BIPs are controversial and require significant community consensus and collaboration.

Example: BIP-148 advocated a change to the Bitcoin protocol that would activate SegWit and increase the block size limit, but it required mandatory adoption by all nodes, which created controversy and led to a hard fork in the Bitcoin ecosystem.


In summary, Bitcoin Improvement Proposals (BIPs) are categorized into Standard, Informational, and Consensus BIPs, each fulfilling distinct purposes and involving varying levels of consensus and cooperation.

Standard BIPs propose changes to the Bitcoin protocol that requires consensus, Informational BIPs provide guidelines and information, and Consensus BIPs propose mandatory changes that require all nodes to adopt. The adoption and implementation play a crucial role in the development and evolution of the network.

How to create a BIP

There are several types of BIPs, each with a different purpose and level of complexity.

Creating a BIP typically involves several steps, including:

1. Research

To effectively address an issue or propose a protocol change, proposers must have a comprehensive understanding of the matter. This may include studying the Bitcoin Improvement Proposal repository, researching the current state of the BTC network, and engaging in discussions with other community members.

2. Drafting

The proposer writes a draft of the BIP, including a detailed explanation of the advocated change, its rationale, and its potential impact on the network.

3. Review

The BIP is submitted for review. Other developers and stakeholders will read through the proposal and offer feedback and suggestions for improvement.

4. Implementation

If the BIP is approved, it is implemented by the Core development team and rolled out to the network.

Who can propose changes?

Anyone can propose changes to Bitcoin, but it’s important to keep in mind that proposing changes is a complex and involved process that requires a thorough understanding of the technology and the community.

However, not all proposed changes are guaranteed to be accepted or implemented. The ecosystem is highly decentralized and consensus-driven, which means that advocated changes must be thoroughly vetted and tested before they can be adopted by the network.

How are changes implemented?

1. Approval of the BIP

Before any changes can be made to the Bitcoin system, the proposed improvement proposal (BIP) must go through a thorough review and approval process. Once the BIP is approved, the implementation phase can begin.

2. Writing the Code

The developers responsible for implementing the BIP will write the necessary code to incorporate the proposed changes into the Bitcoin codebase. This involves making changes to the existing code structure and adding code to support the new standards or format.

3. Testing the Changes

Once the code is written, it must be thoroughly tested to ensure that it is stable and does not introduce any new vulnerabilities or errors into the blockchain.

4. Soft Fork

5. Rollout

Once the changes have been thoroughly tested and any necessary forks have been initiated, the updated code can be rolled out to the network. Usually, this process entails launching a revised edition of the Bitcoin client that integrates the modifications.

6. Adoption

For the changes to be fully integrated, they need to be adopted by the majority of nodes on the network. This process may take some time as nodes update their software and switch to the new blockchain structure.


Amir Taaki and his influence on the Bitcoin ecosystem

Amir Taaki has been an influential figure in the Bitcoin ecosystem, contributing to several notable projects and initiatives over the years. His technical expertise and passion for Bitcoin have helped to shape the development of the technology and advance its adoption.

On the other side, others expressed concerns about its potential use for illegal activities.

Taaki has also been involved in creating several Bitcoin Improvement Proposals (BIPs), which are documents that propose changes or upgrades to the Bitcoin protocol. One of his most significant contributions in this area was BIP-0037, which proposed a new opcode for the Bitcoin scripting language.

This proposal was designed to improve the efficiency and functionality of the Bitcoin network, and it ultimately helped to advance the development of the technology.

Pros and Cons of Bitcoin Improvement Proposals


1. Promote Collaboration

BIPs encourage collaboration and discussion among members of the Bitcoin community. This can lead to improved proposals and better decision-making.

Example: BIP-0014 introduced a standard method for encoding multi-byte integers in Bitcoin transactions, gaining widespread support within the ecosystem.

2. Improve the Technology

BIPs have led to numerous improvements in Bitcoin technology over the years. They can fix bugs, improve efficiency, and introduce new features that enhance the functionality and usability of the cryptocurrency.

Example: BIP-0037 proposed an opcode for the Bitcoin scripting language, which improved the efficiency and functionality of the Bitcoin network.

3. Transparency

BIPs offer a transparent process for suggesting and incorporating changes to the Bitcoin system, ensuring fairness and giving all stakeholders a voice in the decision-making process.

Example: BIP-0011 proposed a new way to estimate transaction fees, which was publicly available for review and feedback.


1. Slow Process

The BIP process can be slow and cumbersome, which can slow down the pace of development.

Example: BIP-0065, which proposed a way to verify Bitcoin transactions, took several years to be approved and implemented.

2. Centralization of Power

While the BIP procedure is designed to be decentralized, it can still be influenced by a small number of powerful stakeholders. This can lead to the centralization of power and decision-making in the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Example: BIP-0101, which proposed a different way to validate Bitcoin transactions, was controversial and led to concerns about the centralization of power among a small number of stakeholders.

3. Lack of Coordination

Because anyone can propose a BIP, there can be a lack of coordination among different advocates. This can lead to a fragmented approach to development, with multiple proposals competing for attention and resources.

Example: The ongoing debate over whether to implement Segregated Witness (SegWit) or an increase in the block size limit highlights the lack of coordination among different proposals.

Key Takeaways

  1. BIPs encourage collaboration and discussion among members of the Bitcoin community, promoting transparency and decentralization.
  2. BIPs have led to numerous improvements in Bitcoin technology over the years, improving efficiency, functionality, and usability.
  3. The BIP process can be perceived as slow and cumbersome, raising concerns about coordination and the concentration of power.
  4. BIPs can be controversial, leading to debates and disagreements within the community.

What BIPs Could Mean in the Future

In the future, BIPs will continue to be a critical tools for advancing the development of the Bitcoin ecosystem. As the technology evolves and new challenges arise, BIPs will provide a standardized way to propose and implement changes to the system.

BIPs could potentially lead to increased collaboration and innovation, as developers and researchers work together to solve complex problems and improve Bitcoin technology. However, ongoing debates and disagreements within the community are not uncommon, as different stakeholders hold varying perspectives on the future direction of the technology.

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